Indie Central is the home of British Independent Music. All kinds of music. We are not here to praise or criticise. We will accept any form of music. The only rules we have are that it must be 'independently original' and it must be recorded in Britain.

What do we mean by 'Independently Original'?

We mean that the tune or song must be an original composition. This rules out Covers, Samples and any new renditions of 'Traditional' songs. Most of the music here will have been composed by its performers. Some may sound familiar. As long as that is due to progression and not plagiarism, there is no problem.

The Music of the Future

Major Record Companies cannot afford to experiment. They must make as much money as they can out of each recording. Despite what some of them claim; they are not in the risk business. They aim for the mass market. It is left to independent musicians, producers, studios and labels to make the move to new musical styles. These may not be as obviously different as were Jazz, Rock & Roll, Reggae, Punk or Techno when they first appeared. Those styles developed slowly in back rooms and small clubs. When they had gathered a large enough following, the Majors took over and did the big publicity job safe in the knowledge that they had a 'new', acceptable style.

So, here you will find the Music of the Future. Some of it you will find unlistenable. Some (we hope) you will enjoy. We don't expect to discover new talents as big as Duke Ellington, Chuck Berry, The Beatles, Bob Dylan or Bob Marley. We do expect some of the music you find here will eventually become at least a tributary to the mainstream and be picked up by the Major Record Companies.

Site maintained by BlueStax
Last updated Tuesday, May 23, 2006